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EMS/CPR/CE Course Catalog

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EMS-CE (1 hour) - The Primary Assessment and Vital Signs/Monitoring Devices

This online Primary Assessment and Vital Signs/Monitoring Devices training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of the primary assessment, how and when to obtain vital signs, and the role of monitoring devices and other tools during patient care.

Item #0510-1618 Online Course

EMS-CE (1 hour) - The Secondary Assessment - Medical,Trauma, and Reassessment

This online Secondary Assessment (Medical, Trauma, and Reassessment) training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of the science and application of patient assessment in the field for trauma and medical patients, as well as techniques for patient reassessment.

Item #0511-1619 Online Course

EMS-CE (1.5 hour) - At-Risk Populations, Ambulance Safety, and EMS Provider Hygiene

This online combination session contains the At-Risk Populations, Ambulance Safety, and EMS Provider Hygiene courses, covering topics such as the characteristics of at-risk populations, the use of personal protective equipment in hygiene, and procedures related to patient safety during transportation.

Item #0512-1623 Online Course

EMS-CE (1.5 hour) - OB Emergencies, Psychiatric, Behavioral and Toxicological Emergencies

This online OB Emergencies, Psychiatric, Behavioral and Toxicological Emergencies training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of commonly encountered emergencies involving obstetric patients, patients with behavioral or psychiatric emergencies as well as patients with toxicological (poisoning) emergencies.

Item #0513-1624 Online Course

EMS-CE (1 hour) - Musculoskeletal and Multi-System Trauma

This online combination session contains the Musculoskeletal and Multi-System Trauma courses, covering topics such as identifying injuries to the musculoskeletal system, providing appropriate interventions based on patient presentation, and calculating a trauma score in the field.

Item #0514-1625 Online Course

EMS-CE (1 Hour) Capnography - for Paramedics

This online Capnography training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an overview of respiration in metabolism, the role of capnometry and capnography devices in EMS care, and waveform capnography in monitoring, assessing, and treating respiratory issues.

Item #0648-1959 Online Course

EMS-CE (0.5 Hour) Oxygenation - for All Levels

This online Oxygenation training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with a review of the physiology associated with oxygen transport and metabolism, obtaining patient history and physical examination findings during assessment, and the role of CPAP and nebulized medications during respiratory incidents.

Item #0649-1960 Online Course

EMS-CE (0.5 Hour) Ventilation - for EMRs

This online Ventilation training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers at the EMR level with a review of adequate versus inadequate breathing, respiratory distress versus respiratory failure, indications for oxygenation and ventilation of the respiratory distress patient, and review of basic airway management techniques such as opening the airway and maintaining a patent airway.

Item #0645-1956 Online Course

EMS-CE (1 Hour) Ventilation - for EMTs

This online Ventilation training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers at the EMT level with a review of adequate versus inadequate breathing, respiratory distress versus respiratory failure, indications for oxygenation and ventilation of the respiratory distress patient, and review of basic airway management techniques such as opening the airway and maintaining a patent airway.

Item #0646-1957 Online Course

EMS-CE (2 Hour) Ventilation - for AEMTs and Paramedics

This online Ventilation training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers at the AEMT or Paramedic level with a review of adequate versus inadequate breathing, respiratory distress versus respiratory failure, indications for oxygenation and ventilation of the respiratory distress patient, and review of basic airway management techniques such as opening the airway and maintaining a patent airway.

Item #0647-1958 Online Course

 EMS-CE (1 Hour) Package - Airway/Respiration/Ventilation - for EMRs

EMS-CE (1 Hour) Package - Airway/Respiration/Ventilation - for EMRs

This package is intended for EMRs and contains the Oxygenation and Ventilation courses.

This package is intended for EMRs and contains the Oxygenation and Ventilation courses.

Item #0736-1974 Online Course

 EMS-CE (1.5 Hour) Package - Airway/Respiration/Ventilation - for EMTs

EMS-CE (1.5 Hour) Package - Airway/Respiration/Ventilation - for EMTs

This package is intended for EMTs and contains the Oxygenation and Ventilation courses.

This package is intended for EMTs and contains the Oxygenation and Ventilation courses.

Item #0737-1975 Online Course

 EMS-CE (2.5 Hour) Package - Airway/Respiration/Ventilation - for AEMTs

EMS-CE (2.5 Hour) Package - Airway/Respiration/Ventilation - for AEMTs

This package is intended for AEMTs and contains the Oxygenation and Ventilation courses.

This package is intended for AEMTs and contains the Oxygenation and Ventilation courses.

Item #0738-1976 Online Course

 EMS-CE (3.5 Hour) Package - Airway/Respiration/Ventilation - for Paramedics

EMS-CE (3.5 Hour) Package - Airway/Respiration/Ventilation - for Paramedics

This package is intended for Paramedics and contains the following courses: Oxygenation, Capnography and Ventilation.

This package is intended for Paramedics and contains the following courses: Oxygenation, Capnography and Ventilation.

Item #0739-1977 Online Course

EMS-CE (1 Hour) Acute Coronary Syndrome - for AEMTs and Paramedics

This online Acute Coronary Syndrome training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with a review of cardiac rhythms encountered in the field and recognition of STEMI imposter rhythms.

Item #0669-1967 Online Course

EMS-CE (0.5 Hour) Cardiac Arrest - for EMRs

This online Cardiac Arrest training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers at the EMR level with an understanding of the principles and field management of cardiac arrest.

Item #0653-1963 Online Course

EMS-CE (2 Hour) Cardiac Arrest - for EMTs, AEMTs, and Paramedics

This online Cardiac Arrest training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers at the EMT, AEMT or Paramedic level with an understanding of the principles and field management of cardiac arrest.

Item #0685-1972 Online Course

EMS-CE (0.5 Hour) Congestive Heart Failure - for Paramedics

This online Congestive Heart Failure (CHF) training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers with an understanding of the pathophysiology of CHF (including the signs and symptoms that differentiate between left-sided and right-sided failure), common causes of CHF, and management of CHF in the field.

Item #0665-1966 Online Course

EMS-CE (1 Hour) Pediatric Cardiac Arrest - for EMRs

This online Pediatric Cardiac Arrest training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers at the EMR level with an understanding of the principles and field management of cardiac arrest in the pediatric patient.

Item #0657-1964 Online Course

EMS-CE (2 Hour) Pediatric Cardiac Arrest - for EMTs and AEMTs

This online Pediatric Cardiac Arrest training is intended to provide emergency medical services workers at the EMT or AEMT level with an understanding of the principles and field management of cardiac arrest in the pediatric patient.

Item #0753-1973 Online Course
Certificate of Completion
Certificate of Completion

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