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HeartCode® BLS (Basic Life Support) Online

(Requires Follow‑up Skills Class)
$37.00 ITEM #0457-1748
American Heart Association Authorized Training Center

The BLS for Healthcare Providers Course covers core material such as adult and pediatric CPR (including two-rescuer scenarios and use of the bag mask), foreign-body airway obstruction, and automated external defibrillation. For healthcare providers such as EMS personnel, physician assistants, doctors, dentists, nurses, and respiratory therapists who must have a credential(card) documenting successful completion of a CPR course. This would also include nursing students, EMT students and anyone that is interested in becoming a BLS Instructor.

It is important to note that the BLS Provider CPR Training DOES NOT include First Aid. This is because this training is intended for those who already have a level of First Aid, EMS, or higher level of training. If you need First Aid and CPR training you should consider our Heartsaver® Courses.

This blended learning course covers part 1 of the curriculum. Part 2 and 3 are the skills sessions conducted once part 1 is complete. Students must register for the skills session either separately or as a combo class.

Certificate of Completion
Who Should Take This Training?

The AHA’s BLS Provider Course is designed for healthcare providers caring for patients both in a pre-hospital and in-facility environments. In-facility refers to healthcare providers who work in a hospital, clinic, or other health care facility including a dentist office, skilled nursing, and assisted-living facilities.

The skills session must be completed within 60 days of completing the online portion of the course
Completion Card

Upon completion of this course, students receive an American Heart Association AHA BLS Provider Course Completion eCard via email that is valid for two years

After enrollment and payment, students will be emailed a key-code and link that allows them access to their online course to be taken at the AHA website.

The American Heart Association strongly promotes knowledge and proficiency in all AHA courses and has developed instructional materials for this purpose. Use of these materials in an educational course does not represent course sponsorship by the AHA. Any fees charged for such a course, except for a portion of fees needed for AHA course materials, do not represent income to the AHA.

About This Course

Following the completion of all training content and achievement of passing scores on all exams, students will need to complete a brief evaluation and confirm his/her identity. After doing so, the student will have access to the course completion certificate.

After successfully completing this BLS First Aid course, students should be able to:

  • Describe the importance of high-quality CPR and its impact on survival;
  • Describe all of the steps of the Chain of Survival and apply the BLS concepts of the Chain of Survival;
  • Recognize the signs of someone needing CPR;
  • Perform high-quality CPR for adults, children, and infants;
  • Describe the importance of early use of an AED and demonstrate its use;
  • Provide effective ventilations by using a barrier device;
  • Describe the importance of team dynamics in multi-rescuer resuscitation and perform as an effective team member during multi-rescuer CPR; and
  • Describe the technique for relief of foreign-body airway obstruction (choking) for adults and infants;

All AHA courses have been updated to reflect new science from the 2020 AHA Guidelines for CPR & ECC Guidelines for First Aid.

BLS Online Features:

  • Updated to reflect new science in the 2020 American Heart Association Guidelines for CPR and ECC;
  • HeartCode® BLS is the AHA’s blended learning delivery method for the BLS course. Blended learning is a combination of eLearning, in which a student completes part of the course in a self-directed manner, followed by a hands-on session;
  • Designed for healthcare professionals and other personnel who need to know how to perform CPR and other basic cardiovascular life support skills in a wide variety of in-facility and prehospital settings;
  • HeartCode® BLS is the eLearning component of BLS blended learning. It uses a variety of eLearning assets such as dramatizations, eSimulations, animations, self-directed learning, and interactive activities to teach students BLS knowledge and skills. After completing the eLearning component, students will attend a structured, instructor-led course that focuses on meaningful skills practice, debriefing, team scenarios, discussions of local protocols, and skills testing;
  • A key and instructional information will be sent to you in order to activate the course online; and
  • Codes will be emailed within 24 hours;
HeartCode® BLS Features:

  • Includes in-facility and prehospital tracks; student chooses his/her track before starting HeartCode® BLS modules;
  • Includes 10 modules, 5 eSimulations, and 2 video tutorials;
  • eSimulation cases include: 2 adult two-rescuer BLS cases, 1 child one-rescuer BLS case, 1 infant two-rescuer BLS case, and 1 infant one-rescuer BLS case;
  • Summary of critical concepts provided for each eSimulation case;
  • Virtual debriefings provided immediately after each eSimulation, with hyperlinks to the referenced section of the BLS Provider Manual;
  • Includes the following downloadable resources: BLS reference card, algorithms, team diagram, summary of high-quality CPR components, skills testing checklist, and AHA Chain of Survival;
  • Online access to the BLS Provider Manual;
  • Multiple-choice, 25-question exam to test cognitive knowledge;
  • Certificate of completion available to print after HeartCode® BLS modules and simulations, exam, and course evaluation have been completed successfully; and
  • Access to all information in the course for 24 months following activation;

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