1-888-309-SAFE (7233)
Each afternoon that we offer Skills Testing, we also offer EMT Skills Practice Testing in the morning on the same day. This will allow you to practice your Skills Testing immediately prior to conducting your testing.
Practice testing sessions allow the EMT to conduct a practice run through of the skills testing with an instructor. During this session, EMT’s can fine tune their testing skills and ask questions of the instructor. This is not where you should be learning the skills. This is the time to ask testing specific questions and practice the test flow.
If you do not feel you are prepared to test, we offer Skills Test Training a week before the testing to help you prepare for your tests.
We also offer package deals that include Skills Testing and EMT Psychomotor Skills Test Training.
Skills Practice Testing awards 4 EMS-CEs for those seeking recertification.
Current EMT Skills Sheets
Additional Optional Skills Sheets